EF #10 Indonesian Food

Well, honestly. I love almost all Indonesian Food. All variant of Sate (sate padang, sate ayam,sate maranggi,sate lilit) soto, nasi goreng, nasi uduk, bakmi djawa, gado-gado, ketoprak, nasi padang complete, mie aceh, gudeg, coto makassar, oxtail soup, kerak telor, rica-rica and anything else. So, this week’s challenge a little bit makes me confuse. Which food I should highlight! Lol

I have decided all the time favorite Indonesian food is Pempek

Pempek is my comfort food. Even if I feel my stomach already full, There is always a room for pempek!

Lucky me, when I was a child my mom try to make pempek. Her pempek is delicious. She usually used ikan tenggiri for pempek ingredient. After she visited my husband’s family in Palembang and learn to make pempek there, her pempek even better! She can make pempek from any variant of fish, and the taste still nice. Really! Of course, I learned to cook pempek too from my Mom. Cuko is a must for pempek for some people. More spicy better for me! I also love eat pempek without cuko though.

In Jakarta, I love Pempek Abing. At least, once a month I order Pempek Candy from Palembang. Haha. My gosh, I’m craving for pempek now!

This post is for fulfilling BEC weekly challenge. Sorry for the late submission 🙂